New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Hacking an Echo Dot?
Ask HN: Hacking an Echo Dot?
2 by brundolf | 0 comments on Hacker News.
My company gave us Amazon Echo Dots for the holidays one year. I don't want Amazon in my home, so it's been sitting in the box. Does anyone know if it's possible to get Alexa off of it and put custom software on it? Uses I can think of include making it a Bluetooth speaker, putting an open source assistant on it, or any number of other things if I could load custom code.
2 by brundolf | 0 comments on Hacker News.
My company gave us Amazon Echo Dots for the holidays one year. I don't want Amazon in my home, so it's been sitting in the box. Does anyone know if it's possible to get Alexa off of it and put custom software on it? Uses I can think of include making it a Bluetooth speaker, putting an open source assistant on it, or any number of other things if I could load custom code.
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